Sunday, April 26, 2009

Top 25 Things You Didn't Know...or Did Ya

I've been so greatly inspired by my brother's blog, that I decided to copy him again and do this stupid "25 things list":

1. I have really ugly toes and sometimes I put make-up on my feet so that they are viewable by the world.

2. When I have to set a time (alarm clock, microwave, etc.) I will NEVER set it on a number ending with 0 or 5. If it happens by accident, I get very anxious and have to re-set it.

3. Even though I hate numbers thats end in 0 or 5, I always use"65" as my generic, overdramatic number when I'm describing things. (e.g. I had like 65 skittles)

4. I would rather listen to old school, motown music than the shiggity that's on the radio these days. Music has totally gone down hill and there's something about the soul and spirit of the music from that era that feels so much more real and authentic.

5. When I was in the 8th grade, I had to make the choice to play basketball or softball, and I chose basketball, and I often regretted it.

6. I still miss my childhood dog BoBo, he was my first best friend and I always wonder if he still looks down on me.

7. I secretly love to pop zits, and I actually found a partner who loves popping them as much as I do! (yakk)

8. Whenever I feel myself transforming, I always change my hair - whether it's with dye or a cut or weave. My hair is definitive of my mood.

9. I sometimes wish I had had an older brother or sister. Being the oldest can be very lonely.

10. I also wished my parents wouldn't have waited so long to get a divorce.

11. In high school, I was the stinky kid and to this day I'm still embarassed by it! (I probably shouldn't admit that)

12. I've never dated anyone from the suburbs because the suburbs have always felt phony.

13. I am very impulsive, and I often do things at the spur of the moment without thinking (or caring) about the consequences.

14. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. The more you call me, the less likely I'll be to call you back.

15. I also loathe vegetables. The only way I'll eat peas is if I drink them like medicine.

16. Of the fruit-flavored things I like, I don't like the actual fruit (i.e. Strawberry, Melon). On the contrary, of the actual fruit I like, I don't like the fruit flavored things. (i.e. Watermelon, banana, apple, grape)

17. My biggest fear in life is that my brothers won't be proud of me. They mean more to me than anything and I'd do anything for them.

18. When I eat, I always ALWAYS finish my plate because when me and my brothers were little we'd get in trouble if we didn't finish our food.

19. I'm very smart, but I'm very scatterbrained and it often diminishes my ability to showcase my strengths. I lose stuff very easily and then I don't know where it is.

20. When I laugh, I pee a little. (=

21. My best friend Amie and I are complete opposites, and I have no idea how we get along, but we understand each other and we suppport each other and she's never not been by myside and I'm so grateful for that.

22. I have grown to appreciate my parents more and more each day. When I was younger, I wished I could've been adopted but now I don't know what I'd do without them.

23. In the 6th grade, I cried because I had such a huge crush on my neighbor Jared that I refused to move away from him.

24. When I was younger, I used to always get made fun of because I talked "white", so I refused to talk when I went to Maryland or black parts because I didn't want to get embarassed.

25. In fact, I resented black people because my mom's family always looked at me like I was a snob and I was always afraid of being judged because of my upbring.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my fun little list!


  1. Denita!! bo-bo is looking down on you, in-between his frisbee games & such. And I did not think you smelled in high school. And I love that you are blogging. I love you so much! I wont call you back (i've called you 2x since your birthday) so that i stand a chance of getting a call back sometime. I love you!

  2. 19. I'm very smart, but I'm very scatterbrained and it often diminishes my ability to showcase my strengths. I lose stuff very easily and then I don't know where it is.

    this one made zero sense haha
