Monday, May 11, 2009

Remember When?

I was at work today helping a customer - as always - when all of a sudden I heard some Anita Baker over the Muzak. I kept putting the phone on mute because I was trying to sing-a-long with the muzak but I had to stop listening because bills prevail over karaoke. But then I started talking to a co-worker about how music today is just so different than what it used to be. Which then got me to thinking, a lot is different than it used to be! Which inspired me to create this list creatively titled RememberWhen? The point of this list is to just think of 10 or 15 things that you miss - it can be in regards to pop culture, life, family, school, whatever. So here's my list:

Remember when ....

1. Saturday morning cartoons were worth waking up for?!ex. Doug, Pepper Ann, Rugrats, Recess

2. A happy meal was really what it said...a happy meal!

3. The best part of the day was recess?

4. you left the house, you had to take change to use a payphone?

5. AOL chatrooms were the place to be on bored Friday nights?

5. Velvet chokers were in style?

6. you were when the OJ verdict was read?

7. your parents were never right, and we (or I) was always right?

8.sleepovers were planned three weeks in advance with invitations?

9. you first realized the world's not the way you thought it was?

10. The first time you felt that first love butterfly in your stomach?

11. $20 was like $100?

12. To save something on a computer, you had to use a floppy disk that literally flopped?

13. Better yet, when you had to use MSDos to access a computer document?

14. The car phone?

15. Lil Wayne was on Cash Money?

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